Ultrafiltration + reverse osmosis + evaporation



Reference flow in the MFA for which is suitable the technology

190703 - Leachate generated in an old landfill site for municipal solid waste

Incoming input

Leachate from a municipal waste landfill in aftercare phase (capping installed). The pollution load is relatively low.

Outgoing output

A concentrate sent to disposal and a clarified flow compliant with limits admitted in the sewer system

Technology description

The membrane processes separate the main aqueous flow from the contaminants; the ultrafiltration can be seen as a pretreatment to ensure good performances of reverse osmosis. The different molecular separation phases aim to obtain the highest concentration in the concentrate, clarifying the permeate destined to the sewage system (alternatively phytoremediation). The concentrated flow is sent to the evaporation to reduce the amount of waste destined to disposal; the distillate is recirculated before reverse osmosis. This plant minimize the exploitation of tank trucks, used only in emergency situations.

Organizative processes to support closing the loops

Accumulation tanks ensure the flexibility of the system that can be switched on /off according to the generated quantity of leachate. With wide available areas the accommodation of phytoremediation ponds can be considered.

Practitioners opinion

The process is modern and membrane solutions for leachate treatment are spreading technologies. On the other hand, the management of the concentrate is a challenge due to its high concentration (difficult to find a final recipient).

Possible limiting factors

Monitor the chemical and organic fouling with specific automatic washing cycles.

PP’s opinion of the technology

The processes cascade clarifies the flow to a higher quality compliant with the sewage limits. This excess of performance (for example, reverse osmosis) is wasted in this case as well as chemical reagents, energy consumption.

Concept and conclusions how the technology can affect the CE effect

The technology ensures the concentrations needed for the realease of the purified flow into the sewage system. There are some opportunities of further improvement for not wasting energy and material inputs; it  still represents a linear approach of treatment.

Is the technology a BAT? Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis of BREF Document for Waste treatment

Charts, photo, diagrams


· http://www.studioscsc.it/depuratore_percolato.html
· Antoine Pinasseau, Benoit Zerger, Joze Roth, Michele Canova, Serge Roudier; Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Waste treatment Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control); EUR 29362 EN; Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018; ISBN 978-92-79-94038-5, doi:10.2760/407967, JRC113018
enviroment care

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