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Name Description EWC  Country 
Returnable packaging Returnable packaging are sent to the upstream supplier in order to be reused for the transport of the same typology items. 1501 VENETO REGION / ARPAV-ETRA
Production of bio-char (activated charcoal from renewable and sustainable resources) and energy from waste wood 030104, 030105, 030199, 150103, 170201, 191206, 191207, 200137, 200138 TYROL (AUSTRIA)
Solutions for mix plastic waste – Two solutions - Lines for the production of profiles and pallets 040222, 070213, 120105, 150102, 150106 WIELKOPOLSKA / AMTP / POLAND
Improve waste packaging management Improve waste packaging management at productive site 1501 VENETO – ARPAV-ETRA
Reusing of packaging to contain other waste generated on-site Packaging waste from non-domestic users (NDU) is re-used to contain other residues or wastes 1501 VENETO – ARPAV-ETRA
Multipolymer waste Multipolymer waste generated in production and recycling processes. Not homogenous material. The materials, where it’s very difficult to recovery indi ... 040222, 070213, 120105, 150102, 150106 WIELKOPOLSKA / AMTP / POLAND
FIBRECARB 030105, 150103, 170201, 191207, 200138 BELGIUM
Absorbing the Potential of Wood Waste in EU Regions and Industrial Bio-based Ecosystems H2020-EU. 030105, 150103, 170201, 191207, 200138 BIOREG FRANCE
Second life of wood: technology to dissolve waste wood to get raw materials H2020-EU.3. , H2020-EU.2.3. , H2020-EU.2.1. 030105, 150103, 170201, 191207, 200138 BIOFLEX UK
WASTE TO RESOURCE UK WIELKOPOLSKA / AMTP 040222, 070213, 120105, 150102, 150106 UK
Packaging waste from non-domestic users Near-Infrared - NIRSort From 2017-06-01 to 2019-05-31, ongoing project Normal 0 21 false false false ... 1501 UNITED KINGDOM / NIRSORT
PlastiCircle – Improvement of the plastic packaging waste chain from a circular economy approach From 2017-06-01 to 2021-05-31, ongoing project PlastiCircle aims to develop and implement a holistic process to increase recycling rates of packaging waste in Europe. This will allow to reproce ... 1501 SPAIN
CRNPE - Chemical Recycling for the New Plastic Economy CRNPE - Chemical Recycling for the New Plastic Economy From 2017-09-01 to 2018-08-31, closed project Recycling Technologies Ltd. 1501 UNITED KINGDOM / CRNPE